Thursday, July 30, 2020

Assignment 2 UNIT PLANS

Unit or Lesson plans helps to how to and what to deal in our class room.

Assignment 3 Interaction with students/parents

I think this the best assignment so for because we do interact with pupils and parents and ask to some works about topic and we will build strong bonding between them.

Assignment 4 TLM

TLM's have been taking main role to better understand but I think our text book has enough to teach better because it has numerous activities to do well still we need some TLM's for more activeness in learning and teaching.

Assignment 5 google is guru's guru!

some videos which I watched 

I have been taking help of these apps/sights since long time to teach interesting and it helps lot to teach and learn.

Assignment 6 Peer discussion

We had good times while sharing our ideas each other and we exchanged lot of things regarding teaching and definitely it helps to improve our teaching.

Assignment 7 Bridge course QP

Based on class wise competencies questions are framed

Pre test

Post  test

Assignment 8 questions Bank/Quiz questions

I framed some questions to conduct quiz or tests some are from text and some are grammar based.

Assignment 9

Some suggestions to my pupils how they can have touch with textbook or learning process and some information about Covid-19

Assignment 10

My thoughts on this project and all I can say its wonderful and innovative.and I thank u honourable commissioner sir and BEO and BRC sir.    

Assignment 1 our own skill

My video about kinds of sentences  Audio about vowels and consonants